
Are you interested in learning more about industrial hygiene? Industrial hygiene is a crucial field that deals with assessing and controlling environmental hazards, providing protection from occupational risks, and preventing workplace illnesses. It plays an important role in setting safety rules and regulations for the workplace and helping ensure the health of employees. This blog will cover everything you need to know about industrial hygiene – its definition, role, laws governing it, benefits, OSHA standards & European OSHA requirements etc. Read on to learn more!

Why Industrial Hygiene?

Industrial Hygiene is a domain of science that deals with Anticipation, Identification, Evaluation and Mitigation of hazards in the workplace, in order to maintain worker health, safety and well being.

This information site has been made to be a one stop resource for everything related to the field of Industrial Hygiene. Although Industrial Hygiene is not a new discipline, there are very few resources out there that give updated and correct information about what is happening in the field today.

Many times, people are confused with the term “Industrial Hygiene” and often mistake it for something like maintaining personal hygiene of industrial workers, or having good food cleanliness practices in the cafeteria of an industrial facility.

While both of these areas are important from a general hygiene point of view, they do not strictly fall in the domain of Industrial Hygiene. As you probably know, IH mainly deals with the Anticipation, Identification, Evaluation and Mitigation of hazards in the workplace.

This site aims to give you access to important resources to improve your knowledge and practices related to Industrial Hygiene.